Do any of these sound familiar?
(Roll over the pictures to read their story.)

Right now I’ve just got a job. What I want is a career I’m passionate about.

I don’t have a work/life balance anymore. I’m growing more frustrated at work and home.

I know I can do so much more than I'm doing now. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

I’m struggling in this manager role. I can’t keep up with the needs of my direct reports and keep up with my own work.

I want to move ahead in my career and I need to develop my leadership skills. How can I do that?

I’ve got great ideas about how to make things better, but others shoot them down or won’t even listen.

I worked at this company for over 15 years and then they go and eliminate my job.

I can’t stand my job. I’d quit today if I could.

I can't understand why I was passed up for the management position. Now I wonder if I belong here at all.
What are Your Roadblocks?
Do you identify with any of the situations above? Parts of one and parts of another?
Throughout your life, you will face challenges. Some may not slow you down at all and then others may stop you in your tracks. Then, without realizing it, some stay with you, hidden as saboteurs. You’ll hear them as those negative voices, confidence and self-esteem destroyers, that construct those roadblocks that keep you from moving forward. How you face and respond to those challenges can impact all facets of your life. With coaching, you do not have to face those challenges alone.

What is Your Vision?
Close your eyes and envision where you want to be. Are you transitioning into a new job role? Working on personal transformation? Increasing your performance and satisfaction in your current role? Generating innovative idea after idea? Becoming a leader at a Fortune 50 company? Keep that vision in mind. Now let's get to work to make it happen.
Change your thoughts, remove your roadblocks, and bring positive energy into your world.

Jacquie helped me rebuild my confidence and empowered me to make changes. I’ve moved out of a job that was dragging me down and into a career that uses my talents and skills.
– Julie B., Chicago

Get started today! If one or more of the above sounds like you, then contact the roadblock removers® at JK Coaching. Take the first step in getting the career you dream of, the respect you deserve, and the life you crave. I invite you to sign up for an initial, no-cost coaching session using the contact form below.